You may be new to our church, or altogether new to attending a church, we'd love to connect with you. You are loved, valuable, needed, and can connect with people here to fulfill your purpose. You are God’s treasure, rare, precious, and wonderfully made.


What is Sunday Morning Service like?

 Our Sunday services involve gathering together to worship Jesus and connect as one family. You will experience the love of Christ, join in lifting Jesus in worship, and search the Holy Bible together to hear and know the promises of God for you through His Word in the message of the day.  

Congregational Prayers

We lift our eyes to God for help in prayers from 9:00 am – 9:15 am.

Word Feast Fellowship

 We share the Scripture from 9:15 am – 9:55 am in different groups. 

Worship Service

 The Sunday morning message is shared from 10:00 am to 11:15 am followed by prayers and connections through tea and coffee fellowship. Please don't hesitate to come if you would like prayer. Every Sunday service is not the same as other activities might be included but everything is within the allotted worship time.  

What about my kids?

 Our kids are catered for as they engage in connecting with their peers and studying the word of God together.  They are also active participating members of our church family during the worship session before they are released. For kids programs, we offer our nursery care (0-5 years old) and Sunday School (Kindergarten (age 5) - grade 6). The kids are typically released around 10:30 am. 

Blessed Kids Sunday School

 The kids search the Scripture together from 9:00 am – 9:35 am. 

Worship Service

 The kids participate in the Sunday worship till 10:30 am before they are released. 

Blessed Kids Interactions and Games

The kid’s interactions and games start at 10:30 am and ends by 11:15 am The  kids engage in games, watch videos that equip them with the knowledge of God while building relationships through guided interactions. 

Where do I park?

Our place of worship has enough parking spaces within Saint Mary’s University premises, and it is equipped with 24hrs security surveillance for the safety of the users. You can safely park your cars whenever you join us for worship.  

How can I get connected?

We are family bonded together through the blood of Jesus Christ. You can connect through the Kids, youths, young adults, singles, married and pastoral ministries of our church. You are reminded of who you are in Christ, valuable treasures created in God’s image to fit, serve and add value to His creation.

If you have any more questions feel free to contact us.   

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